Empty Your Mind - story

once upon a time a professor went to a

zen master

he asked him to explain the meaning of


the master quietly poured a cup of tea

the cup was full but he continued to


the professor could not stand this any

longer so he questioned the master


why do you keep pouring when the cup is



i want to point out to you the master


that you are similarly attempting to


zen while your mind is full first

empty your mind of preconceptions before

you attempt

to understand zen

if your mind is empty it is always ready

for anything

it is open to everything in the

beginner's mind

there are many possibilities in the

expert's mind

there are few

you see in life in your life

we all are full of preconceptions all

the time we are constantly judging

and trying to relate things actions


to one another but this is wrong

our mind must be empty

we should not have any preconceptions

and we should take every

event every word every feeling as what

it is keep an empty mind

and your heart will be always full

this is there to do motivation stories

thanks for Reading


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